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These items may be purchased any time before or after shipping as they are software features For packages and more information visit ARCPRO page. 77ISO is required to read the plasma analog voltage. Requires the use of ECS1.ĪrcPro Plasma features : M4ARCPRO software feature allows the use of ArcPro Plasma screen. MACRO-PROGRAMMING : This software feature allows the user to write custom programs (In C language)which can be downloaded to the controller for fast execution.ĮCAT-CLOOP Activation : This software feature allows Closed-Loop operation on the EC01. The control software (simCNC, Mach3, Mach4) changes gcodes into motion trajectory and sends it through the network connection to a motion controller.
This Software feature is only available on 6 or more activated motor EC01. Motion control software such as simCNC, Mach3, Mach4, installed on a PC is the brain and motion controller board is the heart of an entire control system.
For example Torque can be mapped and viewed in Mach4 as a DRO. This can be upgraded to 3, 4, 6, 8, or 12 at any time.Ĭustom DRO Support : This software feature allows the user to map PDOs to Mach4 Registers. The base EC01 comes with 2 activated motors. Motor Activations : This software feature specifies how many motors the EC01 is able to control at one time. It can also be purchased individually wihtout the 7535 hardware. This feature is included with the purchase of 7535 I/O Board. All I/O terminals are clearly marked for quick and easy installation.ĮCAT-EXTIO : Enables I/O functionality on J1 socket(3.3V non-isolated, higher voltage may cause permanent damage). Each board has 16 input terminals and 8 output terminals. It is required to be purchased along with the controller if needed.ħ535 Board: The I/O Termination board ( 7535P or 7535N) provides additional optically isolated digital I/O on J1 socket. This feature enables 0-10V analog output and one Encoder channel on the EC01 controller. Advanced and production applications can also benefit from these add-ons:ĪnaEnc-Expansion: Used for controlling spindle speed and read rpm/position feedback.